Testimonials - Impact on traffic and travel 

Increased traffic, congestion, journey time and distance

“I live inside the Tulse Hill LTN and am having to drive longer distances every time I leave or return home via my single access point on a boundary road that is seeing more traffic and congestion than ever before.” (p.1)


“It has already significantly increased the congestion, noise from people beeping their horns in frustration”. (p.3)


“The traffic on Streatham High Road is appalling and having to turn from Sunnyhill Road into Streatham High Road is impossible.” (p.5)


“My house overlooks Christchurch Road, a boundary road that is impacted by the Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill LTNs. The traffic on CR is now continuous which without a doubt has increased the pollution along this road. I now find that dust in my home is black rather than the usual dusty grey colour which is alarming… By implementing LTNs the traffic is just moving to a few key roads rather than spread across the area which is increasing journey times and increasing pollution levels”. (p.32)


“The LTN means that the journeys I need to make take longer, consuming more fuel, and are increasing pollution in on LTN boundary roads. There are often no viable alternative public transport routes.” (p.50)


“While I understand the need for traffic management and environmental concerns, I believe that the implementation of this LTN will have negative consequences for our neighbourhood… the LTN is significantly increasing congestion on the main roads surrounding our community (Leigham court road, Knights Hill, Streatham High Road), creating increased air pollution from engines being idle.” (p.52)


“The traffic on Streatham high road is diabolical.” (p.53)


“As a Lambeth resident living near Streatham Common I’m impacted by the LTN with increased journey times. The A23 / Streatham High Road is now even more congested in the mornings and evenings than usual. Streatham Common Northside now has vehicles queuing back to Crown Point. I’m sure this additional congestion must be having an impact on roads in the surrounding areas and will also be delaying public transport and causing issues for emergency vehicles.” (p.54)


“The LTNs have impacted all sorts of journeys for not just myself but for my family too. Streatham High Road is notorious for delays and traffic and now by reducing the additional routes to alleviate this has had a hugely negative impact on myself and the wider community. My travel time has increased tenfold… and it has made the whole of Streatham feel congested. The fear of getting fined at every corner is also hugely problematic to the extent that we are avoiding travel in some instances altogether.” (p.55)


“In my part of Sunnyhill Road, the LTN has actually increased traffic. From the junction with Streatham High Road, there are often tailbacks all the way back to the junction with Wellfield Road during late afternoon and early evening. It wasn't this bad before the LTN.” (p.76)


“We live in Streatham and have done for five and a half years and I’ve never known the traffic so bad.” (p.77)


“Positive experiences of the SW LTN since implementation: NONE. I'd like to caveat this by saying that as a family, we own a car (ULEZ compliant), we all rides bikes when possible, we walk and we use public transport as much as we can. I have also owned a cargo bike when my children were small - I have 3 and by the time my eldest was 8/9 and my youngest 6, it was too heavy to cycle up hills…The loss of 3 x carshare arrangements so instead of having 1 car (full with children and kit), there will be 2 or 3. I cannot subject people to huge delays in their already busy lives to bring my child home. What would have been a 45 min round trip using Valley Road & Gleneldon Road to complete the triangular share would now take significantly longer”. (p.94)


“Traffic is unbearable on the main roads.” (p.95)


“I get stuck in traffic on the main roads every day. It takes double the time to get from A to B. It causes a lot of pollution on the main roads.” (p.96)


“Me and my family live in the LCR. Since introduction of LTN my now boundary road become hell. Constant gridlock. In my 12 years living here I have never seen cars stuck in the traffic at the front of my house. I live almost at the top of the hill. Now it is happening every morning for at least 2 hours… Even weekends are noisy now, as now LCR become very busy. Before there were very few cars passing by especially on Sunday. I don't want LCR be a boundary road... (p.108)


“I live on Hillside Road where there is a LTN live and has been for the past couple of years. Now they have implemented the LTN on Valley Road this has caused a considerable amount of stress as the traffic is horrendous. Whether people drive or use public transport this has increased travel time by far”. (p.131)


“There's lots of displaced traffic.  I drive twice as far to get to where I need to go (and I don't use the car much). I have friends that live on the main roads and they have more polluting air; some nearby schools and nurseries have more traffic going past”. (p.134)


“The traffic on both Leigham court Rd and Crown Lane is now appalling. I have seen the traffic standing still in front of Crown Lane school and long queues on Crown Lane, which was not happening before.” (p.137)


“Since the Streatham Wells LTN was introduced traffic and pollution has increased markedly on Streatham High Road.” (p.151)

Impact on active travel

“I’m a resident of Streatham Wells with a daughter in a local primary school. We lead a busy lifestyle that requires a variety of forms of transport including being able to use the car. The newly introduced LTN does not bring the desired effect of increasing the amount I will use my bicycle as the barriers that limit my use of the bicycle have ultimately have not been addressed by the LTN (safe storage, access to bicycles for all income income groups, safe bike paths especially on boundary roads to name a few). Instead, traffic is mounting up on all boundary roads causing more time spent in car.” (p.11)


“…people get frustrated with significantly increased journey times, leading to people accelerating when traffic does clear up, aggressive overtaking, people driving on the other side of the road, people making U turns, driving on pavement etc, endangering children and others who are walking on the road… by emptying large communities from traffic, the LTN are creating empty roads, which creates a feeling of insecurity at night when walking back home.” (p.52)


“The level of pollution from cars has increased as we walk down the high road”. (p.55)


“The main disadvantage of living in a “safer neighbourhood” for me is the absence of passing car drivers/passengers, who would witness any threatening/criminal behaviour towards me and/or other pedestrians.” (p.67)


“I am also a cyclist and I have stopped attempting to cycle as the traffic on my route (I cannot magically only use LTN roads!) has become incredibly dangerous due to the diverted and excess traffic.” (p.68)


“Since the LTNs were in force LCR is a dangerous road to walk my children to school and childcare. Bikes ride on pavements now and on a daily basis I have seen cars speed down the road and often cars overtake other. When we need to use our car for journeys the route takes so much longer now”. (p.80)


“I feel less safe walking alone along empty side roads without any passing traffic.” (p.83)


“I'm not in favour of the SW LTN as it has made our trips via Leigham court road significantly longer, more expensive and polluting for the whole neighbourhood. I've been living in the area for almost 17 years and the traffic has never been so bad. The traffic in Lamberhurst and Cheviot road around rush hour is shocking. It is dangerous for people on foot and bad for the quality of the air.” (p.87)


“Pedestrian use of the boundary roads, especially during rush hour, is worse than I imagined. Walking a good part of LCR from my home in Conifer Gardens twice a week (circa 8.20am) to get to Roxburgh Road in West Norwood has been hellish. (During the first week, a driver, maybe frustrated at the long wait towards S Hill on LCR, turned sharply into a side street when I was crossing, narrowly avoiding me).” (p.91)


“To add, more cyclists are using pavement now, as there is no space for them on the road. This puts pedestrians in danger. Pavement on my road (Leigham Court Road) is narrow and in a bad condition”. (p.108)


“I walk to Norbury station in the mornings - what used to be a nice walk on quiet roads, I now have to dodge through traffic jams and fumes as cars queue on Green Lane to get on Streatham high road. The train provision is dire. There are no decent cycle lanes in Streatham - I used to cycle to Brixton tube but that has got too dangerous since the introduction of Lambeth Council’s measures.” (p. 112)


“I live on Stanthorpe Road and LTN has adversely affected me. I decided that my usual route to gym in Norbury is going to take too long to get back home via car so was cycling throughout the summer then 2 weeks ago got knocked off my bike at Norbury by a passenger from a van that exited without looking for cyclist ...I have fractured my wrist and now feel cycling is unsafe as better cycle paths are needed so am stuck with prospect of now using car to return home from Norbury using the gridlocked A23”. (p.115)


“It is incredibly dangerous now cycling on Leigham Court Road, as there is no way to pass the stationary traffic which sits along the whole length of the road - the lanes are too narrow. People are having to cycle on the pavement which is very hazardous. Cars are trying to get out of side roads are blocking the cyclist's paths completely”. (P.117)


“My cycle commute (which starts and ends around West Norwood back streets) has become more significantly more congested and dangerous, with vehicles regularly speeding around trying to find shortcuts around Leigham Court Road… Norwood High Road has ground to a halt since the introduction of the (Streatham Wells) scheme”. (p.125)


“The congestion starts at 6am and doesn’t go away…. It’s causing road users to drive recklessly, overtaking on the wrong side of the road and cyclists are no longer free to safely ride along the side of the road due to ‘parked’ cars not moving.” (p,127)


“I’ve started to walk the other direction to school via Julian's farm to avoid as much traffic but cars now coming down this road and our road Uffington so no avoiding it. I like jogging and I can't breathe when jogging on LCR and it's the only route without a hill! I mainly cycle and take one car journey a week into Streatham for a food shop. I can't cycle near me as too dangerous now on LCR and my road even I will need to be careful.” (p.130)


“I can’t cycle either to work as streets are packed with frustrated people, which is dangerous too”. (p.133)


Dangerous driving

“Today I saw a motorcyclist get hit with a van deciding to do a u-turn at last minute, the motorcyclist had L plates and decided not to report it.” (P.22)


“Drivers are getting irritated and frustrated which affects their driving. I have been in traffic twice since these measures came in and drivers have broken the red light and almost hit my car.” (p.26)


“The traffic flow via Sunnyhill and Wellfield Rd is just impossible and becoming dangerous”. P.33


“I have also seen people making dangerous decisions on the roads to get through red lights etc as they are fed up of waiting.” (p.41)


“I live in Sunnyhill Road very closed to Streatham High Road. Luckily we walk to school but I see everyday lot of traffic. I've never seen something like that in 24 years living in Streatham. Also drivers get more stressed and more noisy. I'm worried about the increase of pollution and car accidents.” (p.72)


“On the way to work yesterday I saw cars driving up Eardley Road (the wrong way) to get out of the traffic, how is that safe? Cyclists cannot get through either so are on the pavements. Again how is this safe?” (p.121)


“I've seen police cars drive on pavements to get around traffic” (p.134)


“We live on a side road and people race through it driving like lunatics, cutting through to avoid the main roads”. (p.137)”


“The amount of threatening road rage is also a major concern.” (p.147)


“Since the LTN came in to force the traffic on the boundary roads has been so busy. Constant car horns and road rage especially during the evening rush hour.” (p.153)


Rat-running inside LTNs

“The traffic is still coming up Wellfield Road and it is becoming a rat run“ (p.5)


“…creating rat runs on Wellfield Road and Valleyfield Road” (p.8)


“I live in wellfield road and it’s had a huge impact on what once was a quiet road. Constant cars and vans using our narrow road as a cut through. It’s a 20mph road and there is lots of vehicles speeding it’s dangerous in such a narrow road. Monday- Friday Sunnyhill road is closed for the Sunnyhill school run on a morning and afternoon. Cars and vans will have nowhere to turn and will have to come up wellfield road … it’s so narrow I’m worried there will be an accident.” (p.15)


“I am also concerned that motorists will now look for rat runs using navigation systems such as Waze thus making other local streets outside the LTN even busier.” (p.54)


“Our road Uffington , (SE27) has suddenly become a complete rat-run with people trying to cut through and avoid LCR.” (p.62)


“We live on Braxted Park which used to be a natural low traffic neighbourhood. Since the LTN on valley road came in, we noticed cars at peak time now racing down our road to try and cut around peak time traffic - they are frustrated drivers, this is dangerous. So that *local councillor’s* road can be quieter, Lambeth Council have created rat runs elsewhere”. (p.112)

Testimonials - Impact on mental health and quality of life

Stress, distress and anxiety

“I cannot do my job without a car and the extra 1-1.5hrs a day spent driving is causing a lot of stress. I refuse to be pushed out of London and move elsewhere because I love living in West Norwood it is my home.” (p.9)


“This at the current moment is our individual punishment. Much less the thousands of others in a worse predicament.” (p.29)


“We are thinking of moving out of London and I have lived here all my life but the stress is so mentally huge on us now. We pay our tax and have been let down by Lambeth and we are really struggling, especially in a cost of living crisis with hitting our business because of road blocks and affecting our health.” (p.35)


“I am a resident and business owner in Lambeth; first my business was affected with the Streatham Hills LTN's, now both my personal life and business are ruined because of the Streatham Wells. The traffic that is generating is unbelievable, I am getting stressed due to long hours wasted driving, roads blockages, business is down because of this.” (p.48)


“Seeing the Streatham community in such torment is deeply distressing. The impact of the Streatham Wells LTN extends much beyond its so-called boundaries” (p.91)


“Increased journey time to work. Traffic ridiculous driving home. Increased stress level and effect on mental wellbeing”. (p.93)


“It’s is impacting on everyone’s life in such negative ways .. it’s causing anxiety and misery.” (97)


““LTNs have made a massive detrimental difference to my life in the borough. As for my personal life it’s been a misery.” (p.101)


“My stress levels have increased and my migraines have returned with a vengeance.” (p.105)


“How can you make our life so hard and miserable? And why?” (p.133)  


“I sit in my office staring at gridlock traffic all day and the anxiety kicks in around 4.30pm whilst I sit there assessing how early I need to leave and which route of traffic I should choose to sit in.” (p.136)


“This is having a huge mental health impact on myself not even counting the air quality impact on my health!” (p.139)


“All my journeys are taking longer since launch of the SH LTN which is negatively impacting a very hard-won work/life balance and creating stress when previously there was none.” (p.143)


Poorer quality of life

“I have lived and worked in Streatham for many years and have now reached the point where living here is becoming unbearable due to the chaos, congestion, road rage and pollution caused by Lambeth council’s agreement to LTNs… How very sad that, after loving my local community and being a part of it, I am honestly thinking of moving out of London completely.” (p.6)


“My family and all people in my neighbourhood in Cheviot road are extremely distressed with the situation and we are seriously considering leaving the area for good.” (p.88)


“Today, Saturday, I have forgone our family outing because I need to work to catch up on everything I missed this week due to my travel time (commuting and other such trips) taking so long. So our family time is taking a beating...SCN is now gridlock for much of the day and night (in fact).. We can't have our bedroom windows open at the front of the house due to pollution /noise.” (p.94)


“I'm getting less time to spend with my family and kids. As I seem to be spending more time sitting in traffic.” (p.101)


 “Quality of life here just become much worse, because of the air and noise pollution.... we feel like the collateral damage so some people can enjoy the Christmas day every day”. (p.108)


“The pollution levels around Dunraven School must be horrendous”. (p.117)


“The pollution is absolutely disgusting. The common is meant to be a green space for everyone to enjoy but its constantly surrounded with cars just polluting the air… we are now planning on selling and moving out of Streatham!” (p.121)


“The smog and noise from beeping and these idling cars and number of buses is shocking”. P.127


“There have been many negative impacts on our life, and quality of life, since the introduction of the LTNs in Streatham Wells... I have lived in Streatham for over twenty years. I now feel unsafe and anxious for our health and the future of our community and the businesses of Streatham.” (p,132)


“It has made local lives already made harder by the cost of living crisis even more challenging and stressful.” (p.147)


“I feel very restricted as a resident living off Valley Road”. (p.150)


“The levels of traffic and pollution make the Borough a very unattractive place to be. The frustrations my whole family have regarding delays to buses to Dulwich and along Streatham High Road to Thornton heath are not restricted to lateness caused by all the LTN boundary road traffic, but also include the concerns about pollution and stinking air. We've lived in Streatham for 34 years and the last few weeks have made life here seem very unpleasant”. (p.152)


“The pollution on these boundary roads must be much higher now…cars at a standstill for much longer than usual.” (p.153)


“Quality of life for very many Lambeth residents has been reduced, some people have sadly lost their means of income altogether! Costs have increased for every aspect of daily life and mobility, plus increased isolation and frustration.” (p.154)


Testimonials - Impact on workers

Workers in general

“My husband is a delivery driver and it takes him twice as long to drop off goods now meaning he cannot meet timeframes which affects his income in an already difficult climate financially.” (p.43)


“I work in Lambeth I have to pass through Streatham daily my journey has doubled .. my work colleagues.. ones that drive and the ones that take transport are late daily.” (p.97)


“I work full time as a HGV driver for an event company Based in Mitcham, with our main venues based in Central London and around. Now driving I have to try to avoid Streatham and Brixton which is making my working day difficult. And if I have no choice but to use them routes, I'm finding it very dangerous”. (p,102)


“I can’t use a bus to go to work anymore as streets are packed, so I’m constantly late. Now I need to take a train which cost me 3x more than before.”

Health, social care and education professionals

“…Unable to collect vulnerable people for outings due to road structure.” (p.2)


“I live in Wellfield Road. I work for the NHS at the Memorial Hospital in Shooters Hill. This LTN is putting at least half an hour on my journey each way.” (p.5)


“This has impacted my travel to work! I work for the NHS.  I have to leave earlier because of the amount of traffic on the only roads I am allowed to use.” (p.12)


“I will be impacted as I’m a health care worker who works in Gracefield Gardens it will take me longer to get to work -I need my car for when go out into the community to complete health care assessments and attend safeguarding meetings. I will also be stuck in traffic in LCR when I’m returning from work and most likely will be late for my children’s pick up.” (p.56)


“I work as a childminder and need to use my car as I have 6 children. How is it possible to walk with 6 children to playgroups , parks, museums etc.” (p.60)


“I am an NHS clinician who works twice a week in Kent. I can only drive to the hospital. As a result of the SW LTN I now drive more and for longer. This impacts my patients and my work days.” (p.68)


“I'm not one to complain but they say 'leave 30 minutes earlier' parents with children who arrange (financially) for breakfast club that only opens a certain time, this is impossible, as it doesn't matter. I can only leave once my son has been dropped off 7.45am (everyday) which normally I would then get to my lecture/placement on time. However now since LTN I am officially late which is jeopardising my placement on my course… I cannot take bus or London Transport as the services from West Norwood/Streatham are extremely limited and completely unreliable (Train strike or rail issues constantly and bus services that do not have bus lanes and already had a journey for 30/40 minutes just to get to Brixton tube station). The same applies for coming home - I finish my placement 5pm and need to pick up my child for 6pm… My course and placement is in jeopardy and I could be thrown off due to my attendances as a result of LTN”. (p.79)


“I work for the NHS at the Memorial Hospital in Greenwich. It is adding more than 2 hours to my journey which is ridiculous. I also live in Wellfield Road which is making it even more ridiculous to get out in the morning”. (p.103)


“My journey to and from work has been severely disrupted- I travel on public transport and have to go through Streatham to get to my school (I’m a teacher in tooting) from Upper Norwood. The knock on effect of the LTNS has been massive and is making everyday life a real struggle!” (p.120)


“The effects of the road closure has had detrimental effects on transport to and from work, journeys that should take 5 minutes are now taking over an hour. I am a health visitor and my job is to see families in and around Lambeth and I am constantly late to appointments or on some cases cannot even meet appointments due to issues getting to and from clients homes”. (p.124)


“I am a Community midwife, so have no choice but to drive as per terms and condition of employment, due to carrying heavy medical equipment”. (p.126)


“I work a healthcare worker in Lambeth. I’m struggling to do my basic work and to get on time to my patients due to LTNs.” (p.155)


Tradespeople and business owners

“With the new LTN I find getting from pupil to pupil very difficult within my allotted time and it means I have to widen the gap between pupils and drop a lesson each day, resulting in an income loss of £300 per week. This is quite a substantial sum in a month to lose, especially given the current cost of living crisis.” (p.20)


“Our business model is now looking outside of the aforementioned areas to grow.” (p.23).


“I am a local dog walker and it’s affecting my business greatly as we can’t collect certain dogs from the roads closed off we also have been very affected by the increased traffic and the closure of Larkhall bridge which I need to get home I live the other side. It’s had a huge impact on our income leading to almost financial ruin.” (p.35)


“The Streatham wells LTN has had a negative impact on both my business and my personal life, I’m a self employed electrician and I’ve been late getting to jobs for the last few days and spent an extra 30 minutes sitting in traffic getting home each evening.  I’m spending more money on diesel and spending more time away from home.” (p.53)


“As a local tradesmen this has added a lot of travelling time from job to job. Have used more petrol and my van is idling a lot more as traffic is flowing a lot slower”. (p.89)


“As a window cleaner it has put extra hours on my work day, there’s only so much you can pass onto customers, because of this I’ve now had to apply for universal credit for the first time in a very long time” (p.101)


“I live and run a small business in Lambeth as a cat sitter. Many of the houses I visit are in the Streatham LTN zones. Many of the cats I visit require times medications such as insulin and it has become virtually impossible for me to be able to get there on time. Even without the pressure of timed meds a day’s work is costing me extra in w fuel and time, having a concerning impact on my business.” (p.129)


“The Streatham LTN and Roupell road LTN have really had a negative impact on me and my family. My husband has a business in Streatham High Road. Since the LTN has gone live the deliveries for the shop have been delayed if not cancelled.” (p.142)


“I have lived in Lambeth since 1990 and on LCR since 2012. My work as a dance teacher and fitness instructor is hourly paid and routinely takes me to a number of different venues - I use my car for some journeys, mostly at off-peak times… If car and bus journey times continue to be unreliable I may find I have to relinquish classes which I have been teaching for many years and lose the vital income which goes with them. Some of my classes take place at a venue on LCR and customers who cannot walk to class are finding it difficult to get to me on time due to the increased traffic. This will further impact my income if it continues to a point where people decide to look elsewhere for their classes.” (p.143)


“My partner and I have businesses in Streatham Hill, West Norwood and Streatham Common. The LTNs have seriously impacted on our ability to move about effectively. We spend much more time on the road (sitting in traffic). We do not know what the long term impact of these levels of traffic caused by the LTN road closures will be on our business.” (p.152)


Working parents

“Caused more traffic on Kings Avenue where I live, has made it made it difficult to take or to pick up my three young children from school and clubs. I don’t drive them to school every day but on days that I don’t work from home I have to in order to be able to go to work and then be a ale to be back in time pick them up from as they go to school at two different locations. The journey to school used to take less than 10 mins by car now it takes at least 20. It’s just added extra stress to a lifestyle that is already very difficult”. (p.7)


“Dropping my child to nursery and getting to work on time is very important as any delays will have a knock on effect on my working day.” (p.20)


“The LTN has made my journey to school and work a nightmare.” (p.38)


“I used to have a very stress-free journey to my son’s nursery in Streatham. It would take 7 minutes. We would leave home at 7:50 and arrive just in time for 8am drop off. I am now having to leave the house at 7:30 and only just making it there for 8am. This is incredibly stressful as we are all having to get up earlier. Less sleep is not what a household with young children needs. We are now sitting in the car for more than double the time which is upsetting my son and adding to carbon emissions”. (p.41)


“Thanks to this LTN, I will have to move my two year old son to a new nursery. We live in West Norwood and his nursery is in Streatham Vale. Before the LTN, it took me 30 minutes to drive him there and then get to work. After work it would take again about 30 minutes to pick him up and then head home. Since the LTN came in it is taking an hour each way, morning and evening. Traffic is backed up literally for a mile. This is something I simply cannot budget into my day as this is already adversely affecting my employment. As a result, we'll have to find a new nursery and take my son out of the one that he loves, costing a local business money, and settle him somewhere else.” (p.45)


“The impact is extremely negative to my family and is causing us great issue. I now due to the traffic and subsequent increase in journey time collect my baby from nursery and then my son from school. The bus nor the car are now viable due to what was previously a five to ten minute journey between schools now increasing to 30 minutes on average. The high road is now a car park and it is having major issues for families, communities and the environment”. (p.71)


“I live in Streatham with my wife, one year old son and our dog. I teach at a school in Clapham, my son is at nursery in Streatham twice a week and my wife works shifts as a police officer. Two, three times a week our son is in south bucks with his grandparents - we can’t afford to pay for full time nursery provision in London. Due to the nature of our jobs and childcare there are times where we have no choice but to drive. We live in Streatham and have done for five and a half years and I’ve never known the traffic so bad.” (p.77)


“Our journey times to school and work have trebled… My husband has to leave earlier in the morning so I have no help at the busiest part of the day with 4 children…Even though I paid Lambeth council thousands of pounds to have a dropped kerb and off-street parking, I am parking my car in the surrounding streets and walking home (with children, bags, sports equipment and in the rain) so to ensure I can get to work on time the following day… I have less hours in the day to actually work and am therefore earning less money (I am paid by the hour). I have less time at home to do my chores, prepare food and look after the home for our family.” (p.105)


I live on Tankerville Road and the introduction of the Streatham Wells has affected me so much. I have to use a car for my work and have to drive to Barnes everyday. A drive that usually takes me 40 -50 mins in the morning now takes and hour and 20 mins! I cant leave any earlier because I need to get my baby up to feed her and get her to nursery! The drive home takes me over an hour and half which means I'm late to collect my daughter which results I now getting charged a late fee. If I am constantly late there is a chance she will no longer be welcome at the nursery. The facet I am being constantly late for work means I could lose my job!” (p.121)


“I live on York Hill and my kids attend school Leigham Court road, since the introduction of the Streatham Wells LTN it has become near enough impossible to get kids to school on time and get to work.” (p.126)


“I take the bus to go to Brixton and back from Kingscourt Road to catch the tube as I work in Canary Wharf! And before that sometimes I have to drop off my son at his school in Thornton Road (we cycle when I do not have to go into work)! Due to the LTN, the current traffic jam on Streatham Highroad, there is a huge delay to my journey to work and from as Buses are either stuck on traffic or it is just not running!” (p.139)


“In terms of our family circumstances, we live on Kingscourt Road off Streatham High Road and it is making every day a misery to get to and come back from the kids schools and after school activities which we need to allocate time to around our full time work commitments as the time it takes to collect our kids has more than doubled.” (p.147)


“I live in very bottom of Streatham Vale and the traffic is terrible since the new LTN’s started. I have started a new job on the high road just before the LTN’s because O have a child it was important to me to work close to drop my child to nursery and go straight to work… when it took me by bus 10-15 minutes to get to work after dropping child at 8:55 now it takes over 30minutes and I’m worried I will get fired as I am constantly late, I can’t drive because of traffic, I can’t take bus for same reason, I can’t walk as it doesn’t make timing difference at all as I tried that as well , I will be late for work unless the traffic goes back to normal. I filed formal complaint to Lambeth last night that who it may benefit? People losing jobs.” (p.148)


“I live in Lambeth and my kids go to school in Lambeth. Journey times have more than doubled and it has had an impact on work and school times”. (p.149)

Testimonials - Impact on vulnerable groups 

Older adults

“I have several of my mother’s elderly friends (living within the Streatham maze) who I regularly cook for or shop for after work, before going home to look after my mother and family. I can no longer manage the logistics of doing this as I do not have the time to spend sitting in traffic.” (p.6)


“The LTN would have a costly and detrimental effect on the support that is given to my elderly in- laws. In respect of how we get to them, we depend on or vehicles for the longer journeys of shopping and appointments, the latter of which we cannot dictate the timings of when or the time of day, the Imposed LTN adds a 35 - 45 min each way to the journey, not mentioning cost and the not as yet proved effect on our environment.” (p.29)


“My mother is 87 yrs old and lives on the corner of Gracefield Gardens and Conifer Gardens.  We are 5 siblings and we all take care of our mum in different ways.  My mum has carers coming 3 times per day and an additional 2 times with the district nurse and as required. As a single example - My mother attends a few elderly groups but any now accessed off Leigham court Road have been dropped… we have decided as a family that we will no longer take her to Lambeth elderly clubs which require access via Streatham High Road and Leigham court road or Valley Road.  We will instead take her to Balham which means going over Becmead Avenue, Bedford hill unimpeded to these clubs there and back still quicker than sitting in traffic on Streatham High Road and Leigham Court Road.” (p.31)


“I am a carer for my vulnerable father who I at times go and help him in the mornings this now takes me 1hr rather than 20 minutes. This has affected so many people in more than one way and it’s not being taken in to consideration. How about the emergency services and vulnerable people.” (p.38)


“As an older resident of the area, who does not run a car, I feel some there is some safety in passing traffic.” (p.66)


“As an older - but active - resident I feel more vulnerable walking along side streets with hardly any passing traffic.” (p.84)


“I have a mother-in-law that lives in Streatham with very bad Alzheimer's. And now with the LTN in Streatham. That has turned a 5 minute journey into a 40 minute journey.” (p.101)


“The LTN increases my daughters’  journey times when coming to see me because they can no longer take short cuts and the traffic is heavier on the main roads.” (p.109)


“I live in the Yellow zone of the LTN, my elderly disabled mum lives in the purple zone. So what was a 5min drive to visits her if she needed something from the shops or help with anything is now not feasible by car. She can get two dispensations but I’m one of 4 driving siblings who all have their roles to play assisting her independent living”. P.113


“My father has dementia and he was lost in Norbury travelling from Sw2. We were unable to get to him due to the major traffic in Streatham from around 16.00pm. As the traffic was building up he was getting away even further from us. This was an extremely stressful moment for us.” (p.142)


“Long term resident over pension age with some mobility problems… Deserted streets are unsafe after dark, or sometimes in the daytime.” (p.154)


“I’m struggling to assist my elderly family with their care and shopping. This LTNs is causing me and the community a lot of problems”. (p.155)


Disabled people and those with longterm health conditions

“I am someone who can’t leave the house without getting from my family. I need them to take me to the shops etc… And now with this LTN it makes it much harder and longer for them to get to me. It’s not fair on me and especially them.” (p.4)


“The LTN impacts for disabled drivers needing healthcare are quite severe - the access to just one gate is not good enough considering the placement of healthcare facilities - this week alone a person who helps me with shopping etc and bits around the house had to cancel as they spent too long in traffic - it also cuts me off from friends etc.” (p.8)


“I have a problems walking any distance and standing for a long time and as far as I am concerned LTN's are no good and need to be scrapped and the roads return to their original state.” (p.10)


“The LTN’s has affected my journey tremendously, it has been hard for me to transition onto other roads. As a disabled person I cannot sit in a car for over 55mins for a route that should have been 5mins. I have applied for a (disability) dispensation and then only for my road, what about Valley Road?” (p.14)


“I cannot easily get to doctors now. 3 minute journey by car now 14-18 minutes. I have health problems so rely on the car to get places due to breathing issues… which I’m sure will be made worse with the pollution now. I can’t be in car long as I constantly need loo as I have Crohns. I feel like I’m being made a prisoner as going anywhere is now impossible as cars are not moving so I can’t get anywhere.” (p.16)


“I have to get from work to my disabled sister in law and so far even during half term I have been 30 minutes late each day. This is only going to get worse and worse and hurts the vulnerable most.” (p.25)


“To get to Valley Road Surgery, it used to be a half mile journey, which took 2 and half minutes at the busiest of times. Its now a 2 mile journey, which too 14 minutes at 10.30 at night.  I didn't want to get involved in the traffic to find out how long during Surgery opening times. My wife has to drive, as she has Bronchiectasis, which means she cannot breath easily, if walking to long or up hills, she also has Crohns Disease,  so being in a car too long isn't helpful either. With her many ailments, she needs to visit the surgery more often than most, so this is more than just an inconvenience, its a health risk. (p.26)


“I suffer from chronic back pain, but don't qualify for a Blue Badge. My GP surgery is on Valley Road, now I can't get to it, so will have to change surgery. I use Gracefield Gardens Surgery too, now I can't. I now have to drive extra miles to get into Streatham from Leigham Court Road. Streatham is gridlocked. Tulse Hill LTN, Streatham Hill LTN, Brixton Hill LTN now Streatham Wells.” (p.30)


“My mother lives on Valley Road and has done for 45yrs. She’s 77, suffers with arthritis and walking difficulty. She relies on me heavily to help take her out, shopping and medical appointments etc. I visit my mother daily, sometimes twice a day. What use to be a 10 min journey is taking nearly 40 mins  (more in rush-hour). Its just impossible to see my mother and get myself to work with the added time,  trying to navigate Valley Road! Its just a nightmare!!!” (p.33)


“My road is now full of displaced traffic from the roads closed with no right turn from the Oval to Clapham North except my road, Union road. My partner’s asthma is so bad he needs more medication since the increased LTNS . My windows are filthy from the extra pollution and traffic”. (p.35)


“My son’s journey home from school today was 1.5hrs. It has never been more than an hour in the 4 years he’s been there. The minibus he is on carries 10 disabled students, most of whom live in and around Streatham. This has caused him so much anxiety 😟 My other disabled son attends a school in Wandsworth. His morning journey has increased from 15 minutes to 30minutes. In addition, it is taking an hour for his Lambeth supplied taxi to reach our house in order to take him to school. This causes huge anxiety as he worries he will be late to school and get into trouble. It then impacts on his school day as he’s in a bad frame of mind from the start.” (p.81)


“I have  PSTD, BPD, anxiety and depression and can’t get on public transport so easy and find that I have more of a social life driving as I don’t have to go through all the exercises I’ve learnt to get myself in the right frame of mind and brave enough to use it, so now driving to visit friends has become a nightmare and causes even more panic and anxiety, so I’m spending more money travelling which I don’t have because of losing customers.” (p.101)


“I live in Croydon, my 82yr old mum lives in Wellfield Road. I suffer from osteoarthritis in both my knees. The drive from my home to visit my mum is currently taking 30/40 minutes longer due to having to use the already congested high road. The extra Valley Road traffic is making this so much worse. A drive I could just about manage, pain wise, is now having a detrimental effect on my health.” (p.135)


“The traffic jams on Leigham Court Road, with its many schools, are beyond ridiculous. I can taste the fumes. I’m asthmatic, my son is asthmatic, and we can’t breathe. (p.138)

Children with SEND

“The most recent LTN has caused major headache to my commute to work and the school run making it near impossible to get in on time. I use heavy equipment for my work so public transport is not a option. And having 2 children with additional needs driving is a absolute must.” (p.42)


“We need to drive as we have two neurodiverse children and using public transport is a risky option for triggering child meltdowns yet we don’t qualify for a blue badge.” (p.74)


“I live in Valley Road, I thought the LTN was going to impact in a positive way but unfortunately I have to drive twice a day to pick up and drop off my kids from school, my daughter has SPD and ADHD so walking or cycling is not an option for us. The LTN is causing us many, many problems being stuck in the car, more problems than benefits.” (p.140)


“Since the introduction of the LTN’s in Streatham my whole schedule has changed. I am not able to travel to Streatham or to do my normal shopping routine. I am forced to do it in Sydenham due to having an autistic child who only likes certain foods from a certain shop. However, I am not willing to be stuck in traffic for hours due to the LTN. Therefore, I am forced to travel farther which results in the use in my car for a longer period of time committing more pollution into the environment. My father used to visit me twice a week. He lives in Clapham since the introduction of the LTN. He is no longer able to do so which has caused distress to my autistic child who likes the routine.” (p.145)


“We live in Norbury since 2012 (therefore Croydon residents) but are really struggling since the LTN was implemented. We have 2 boys (7 and 11). My 11 year old has a diagnosis of ASD and ADHD and has a blue badge as he cannot use public transport due to anxiety and concerns around road safety. Our other son is also awaiting an assessment for possible ASD/ADHD. We cannot apply for an LTN exemption as its only for Lambeth residents. We live in Norbury and most of our journeys are made by crossing Streatham. Even if we could apply for the exemption is of no use as you can only apply for 1 traffic filter and the main issue is that the main roads are collapsed. My son’s school journey (he attends a SEN school) has become a lot longer with periods the taxi being stuck in stationary traffic which is making his anxiety worse. I have friends with children with SEND that are also struggling on the journey to and back from school. Even if the LTN has the “desired effect” of encouraging people to use public transport more and let the roads be used by those that really need them (like us) how can LTN streets be banned for people that have been granted a blue badge? When I mean the roads I mean all not just one traffic filter. Why can’t my son go and visit his friend that lives in one of those streets, attend Gracefield gardens (health centre) etc. We need our councillors to think this through and advocate for the most vulnerable.” (p.156)

Children with SEND Children and young people

“My two sons attend a local school which we walk to and from but have had to take a different route as I am concerned about the increase in pollution exposure on CR. My youngest son now has suspected asthma and has been prescribed an inhaler by our GP”. (p.32)


“The walk to my daughter’s school has become unsafe and more polluted. Her school is exposed to higher levels of pollution due to cars waiting for long and drivers are more dangerous because everybody gets nervous after queuing for ages.” (p.46)


“They are having to use Lime bikes to get around which concerns me as I feel I cannot guarantee their safety at night when they are doing this but can't get to them in a car either. The youngest is just 13. It's a big step up for him and I wouldn’t have been happy for his brother to do the same at his age.” (p.51)


“A usual 15/20 mins journey home has taken me 1 hr. I had a tired baby in the car screaming her head off.” (p.58)


“Both of my children’s schools are on LCR and the pollution they are being to subjected to now is off the chart. It’s only a matter of time before a child is hurt or worse as cyclists are now weaving in and out onto the pavements on LCR outside Julian’s school, to try and get through the standstill traffic.” (p.62)


“I live by Streatham Common and my daughter attends a secondary school in Brixton (not by choice) she starts school at 8:30am. Due to an incident she is not able to get the bus which is over 4miles so I have to take her to school. The quickest and easiest route was via LCR now we can’t access this it has caused much distress, my type of work and being a single parent also requires me to drive. What would have normally been a 20min drive has now since the introduction of the Streatham LTN has now taken up over an hour to travel to school and even longer to get home. She now has less time for homework and has became distressed and emotional and scared that she maybe late for school which will lead to a detention and negative impact on her attendance. I am also often late and as a result we may have to consider moving to a school in Croydon so it’s the opposite direction. Removing her from a school she has only just started year 7 (this Sept) impacting on already highly charged anxiety with starting secondary school.” (p.65)


“I was in St Andrew’s school on Monday and there was non-stop traffic on Clapham North side and they’re now having to put up screens to protect the children from the pollution caused by the non-moving traffic on that side of the common”. (p.77)


“My daughter goes to Streatham & Clapham high school and taking the bus is not an option to her anymore. The bus can take even 30 minutes to go to school in the morning so it is impractical. Walking also takes the same time but it's going to affect my daughter's health as heavy weights (I.e. backpacks can weigh even 15 kg) are in the long term bad for their spine - just imagine the overall impact on the NHS. Today 2nd November there was a massive gridlock around Leigham Court Road and it took us an hour to go back home - it was 10 minutes before the LTN started on the 23 of October.” (p.88)


“I cannot get my eldest to school on Alleyn Park Road via public transport easily - he cycles on days when he doesn't have heavy bags but on the days (frequent) when he has either a cricket bag/sports bag, a trumpet and a school rucksack - he feasibly cannot go on a bike. The 249 /417 will take him as far as Salters Hill and then he has to walk. Otherwise, it's a walk to the South Circular onto the P13 to Streatham and then up. Again not easy with all that kit. He's not a donkey and he's only 12. The last time he got on the P13, he was kicked off at Tulse Hill to let somebody board with a buggy - he called in tears, stranded and afraid. So no, that's not an option”. (p.94)


“My children attend Julian's Primary school on LCR. The traffic and fumes are terrible every single day now. It is making us ill.” (p.98)


“I have biked to school each morning since half term with my youngest daughter to make sure we get to school on time.  We have been shouted at by pedestrians and beeped at by motorists who feel that LTNs were set up for cyclists and who believe we are to blame.  On side streets, we have encountered people walking in the middle of the road rather than on pavements because they are enjoying the quieter side streets and on the boundary roads, we have breathed in more pollution and have been put at risk by the constant bulk of traffic which mainly consists of frustrated drivers who have been waiting in traffic for so long that they won’t give space to cyclists.  The journeys have been wet and terrifying and quite frankly are not the way for a 10 year old girl to begin or end her day... My children have reported on more days than not this week, that buses aren’t stopping at bus stops (both on the way to and from school) due to them being full because other buses are being terminated early due to huge traffic jams.” (p.105)


“This LTN is adding too much stress to me and my son. He has to go back from school by himself, he is scared of walking through this empty roads, traffic in Streatham is completely impossible”. (p.106)


“My kids have to walk to school every day breathing fumes. The air (on Leigham Court Road) stinks.” (p.108)


“…she is sitting on the bus in standstill traffic breathing fumes. She is 8, it is too far to cycle. I can breathe the fumes now all around the common - when I drop my son off on Streatham Common North at the bus stop I feel sick breathing the fumes from the standstill traffic - the cars coming away from the high road are racing up due to frustration, it is dangerous now for him to cross the road on his own”. (p.112)


“…my younger son has to walk up Sternhold Avenue and LCR with nose to tail traffic belching fumes out, he attends Dunraven school also, so is exposed to noticeably more fumes than before”. (p.118)


“I need to use a car to take my children to school/nursery so I can continue my drive to Surrey for work. However, what used to be a 10mins journey to school down LCR is now taking around 50mins! It’s impacting the welfare of my children as they’re having to get up earlier to have to sit in traffic. I’m also very concerned about the welfare of the pedestrians especially children walking along this road as it’s bumper to bumper with cars, this whole scheme is ridiculous!!!”. (p.122)


“The traffic is along the main road LCR in which both my children walk daily for school. (Julian's and Dunraven). I am concerned re pollution, and road safety, especially for my eldest who is walking alone and has just started secondary, for my children and myself and husband.” (p.130)


“There is more pollution on our route to school due to the congestion and idling vehicles on Leigham Court Road”. (p.132)


“Side roads aren’t safe now and there is great opportunity for crime. I don’t feel safe enough to let my child come back home from school.” (p.133)


“Yesterday I was late to pick my son up from after school club but luckily another parent was able to pick him up for me, if not I would have been fined and my child would have been stood on the side of the road in cold and dark with angry staff members wanting to go home.” (p.136)


“My road (Fieldend road ) has a side road with one way traffic and there are 2 schools on both ends, drivers cut through the one way road just to avoid main road traffic causing extreme danger for kids it’s just ridiculous.” (p.148)


Single parents and those on low incomes

“Shopping has also become a nightmare I’d usually go to the more affordable supermarkets in Streatham or in Brixton but the traffic on acre lane and Streatham high road has become impossible”. (p.7)


“I’m a single parent. I’m unable to get my child to school and then get to work. I’m at risk of losing my job if I can’t find a solution. I’m not able to afford childcare - which would be an extra £600 a month.” (p.13)


“I believe the LTN is making it extremely difficult for low-income people who rely on the bus to be able to get to work, and causing negative environmental impacts to the surrounding streets. As someone who needs to take the bus to work because the train is prohibitively expensive, the standstill traffic at peak times has meant my bus wasn’t able to arrive on time. I already have a 2 hour bus commute to work on a good day, it would be completely unreasonable for me to start leaving any earlier than that.” (p.61)


“I have to also ask for flexibility at works which is proving difficult as my job requires me to be available from 9am - 5pm. If I quit this will force us into poverty. I have never been so depressed and upset by this all.” (p.65)


“I am a single mum and I am feeling really anxious and sometimes depressed of how this will affect our mental health… Nobody thinks about it, nobody thinks about lonely, elderly and disabled people (p.106)


“I am now having to allow 45 minutes to get to and from work meaning I leave the house earlier in the mornings and I’m having to leave work earlier which I am yet to discuss with my employers and simply having to leave early without permission. My journey is about 2 miles and used to take me 15-20minutes. I have a company car that I am required to use for work, and doing school pick ups and drop offs whilst working full time as a single mother, means I cannot rely on public transport”. (p.136)


“I also feel very isolated as I am a single mother of three.” (p.145)


“I can’t afford additional childcare in the morning just to take my child to nursery to leave home earlier as I’m on benefits anyway and I simply can’t afford additional childcare because of stupid LTN’s.” (p.148)


Women and girls

“..I also note that on the roads within the LTN and as a woman I feel less safe walking home at night on my own.” (p.50)


“I don't like the dark deserted streets, it feels too quiet to walk down them now. The streets were quiet most of the say anyway, now they are eerie but SCN is busier than I have ever seen it in 9 yrs living at this end of Streatham.” (p.51)


“I leave for work early- pre 6am partly to avoid the traffic and I no longer feel safe walking along deserted Valley and Gleneldon Road. I am having to walk along the road with my keys in my hand to protect myself with, should I get attacked. I fear for my daughter’s future safety as she gets old enough to walk alone”. (p.132)


“While the side roads are now deserted - having 2 teenage daughters walking home feels so much more unsafe.” (p.153)


Testimonials - Poor design, implementation and monitoring

Design ineffective, counterproductive and unjust

“I believe that there should be a more balanced approach to this as it is an inconvenience for most residence in and around Streatham Wells. All that this has created is more traffic on the main roads, equalling longer waiting and commuting times which actually beats the purpose of low emissions too. Who asked for this? It has an effect on local businesses and it’s hard enough that there have been restrictions on Sunnyhill road but I understand as it is a school.” (p.3)


“I have no choice but to drive and this is increasing my carbon footprint by several hundred percent - the scheme is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut” (p.8)


“I would like a fully comprehensive review of how we can reduce the need for cars for those able (examples could be bike to school schemes to make bikes more accessible, extension of point to point bike rental schemes, well lit and safe bike paths, safe bike storage at super markets, train stations, schools etc similarly to what European countries do to enable a more active lifestyle). Until those points have been addressed, I’m asking for a suspension of the LTN in Streatham Wells”.


“The pollution will all just move to the high road, where I live, and remain for longer periods as people’s journeys will be longer. I don’t see how this helps. I feel that this is a huge backwards step to the once most polluted road in the country!  I’m appalled by the whole thing. I think the quieter roads will just increase in opportunistic crime now, will prevent residents getting deliveries, create an unsafe environment for women late at night trying to get home. It’s a shambles! I completely disagree with this implementation and confirm that all it will do is increase traffic in the neighborhood, increase pollution, increase crime, decrease safety!” (p.18)


“Stationary traffic equals more pollution”. (p.23)


“How is this good for anyone. Water works will always be a regular occurrence, so we need roads open when they happen. The 3 benefits that I’ve heard mentioned for LTNs are all false. 1. Safer streets?! The dark and quiet roads are now a haven for criminals and muggers. 2. Stopping Rat Runs?! Woodleigh Gdns, the route via Hopton Rd, Madeira Rd and Polworth Rd, as well as Gerrads Road are now Rat runs.  Previously, SW16 didn't use Rat runs, they just travelled the various routes through Streatham,  depending where they needed to go. 3. Cleaner Air?! How is forcing all traffic down SHR, LCR and SCN making the air cleaner. Thise that live, work or are educated on these roads will be living a nightmare… council have created more air and noise pollution, with these LTNs than we've ever had.” (p.27)


“It just does not work!” P.33


The LTN near me has blocked my road in 2, which means for one half of the road we have increased journey time.  But the worst is for the residents of neighbouring roads who now have considerably increased traffic and pollution.  So moving the traffic to fewer streets means some residents benefit and others not, how is this fair?” (p.36)


“There are no bus lanes or cycle lanes on these roads so these options are not viable and I absolutely do not feel safe walking in the dark on my own with a baby. This is not a viable solution to our traffic and emissions problems and is hugely detrimental to so many residents who are just trying to get on with life. Please please please reconsider these LTN’s for the sake of the mental and physical health and well-being of residents”. (p.41)


“Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNS) must be the most illogical road policy ever devised that has nothing to do with reducing pollution. Moving traffic from one area to another and creating traffic jams just increases pollution with cars stuck in traffic, creates misery for people trying to get their kids to school on time (who are suffering due to pollution), get to work on time and generally be law-abiding citizens. By driving down a road (initial purpose - for driving on) you can be fined even if you realise your mistake, you cannot turn back - you will be fined. The community (apart from a few) do not want this, businesses do not want this, schools do not want this. Reverse it!” (p.48)


“LTNs to me are a minor inconvenience compared to what friends and acquaintances are experiencing especially those who need their cars to earn a living or live in those erstwhile quiet residential streets into which all the traffic had been funnelled. These are often in the poorer areas of the borough where many residents already had health issues which are now being made worse by noise and pollution. The closure of the Larkhall Bridge was unnecessary and has contributed nothing to air quality nor has it reduced noise as these problems did not exist before the closure. I cannot understand why they did it.” (p.64)


“All the policy outcomes hoped by Lambeth for are definitely not there for me.” (p.68)


“I think that Lambeth Safer Neighbourhoods sound attractive but it simply adds to the traffic and resulting pollution for schools, estates and large multi occupied houses on the main roads, while making pedestrians who live on the side roads feel more vulnerable as they walk home from the High Rd as there is no passing traffic.” (p.68)


“The pollution is just being shifted from one street to another as is the traffic. Waze wants to route me down lots of shortcuts to avoid the blocked arteries, make other people's lives a misery”. (p.94)


“I really don't see how this LTN is supposed to be good living when I seem to be putting a lot more pollution into the air which I really try to avoid as I'm a cyclist as well”. (p.102)


“Even though I am using my bicycle for the school run, I am spending more time in the car rather than less. We are spending more money on petrol and are pumping more pollutants from our vans into the air whilst driving and sitting in stationary traffic… The number of Whatsapp groups I am part of has increased exponentially as I try to support other residents with their quest to get these LTNs removed.” (p.105)


“How will these closures help with pollution? Nobody thinks about it, nobody thinks about lonely, elderly and disabled people .STOP THIS MADNESS !!!We can’t live like a prisoners in our own houses.” (p.106)


“2 more lived experiences in past 24 hours to show the LTN SW concept is flawed. I feel less safe walking on the local streets without the protection of passing cars… We live in Hill House Road. Yesterday walked to Lidl at Crown Point for top up shop (often do it). No delivery options available at Lidl. It’s not a long walk. However the idling traffic was significantly more than usual to the point I felt sick walking. This was a Sunday afternoon. It shouldn’t be that busy. I won’t walk again and I refuse to pay £1.75 each way for the bus. So going forwards I will drive to save my lungs. My 11 year old daughter has asthma. She takes the train to and from school. The only safe (busy) route for her to walk to the train station is via SCN. I don’t want her cutting through quiet side roads in the dark but I can’t have her subjected to the idling traffic on SCN. So, guess what? I will now drive her to and from the station to protect her health but creating more traffic for those on the side roads”. Fail from Lambeth on both scores.” (p.111)


“I believe the LTN is a nightmare and doesn't work, closing Road to allow cars to just go to the main road doesn't help the environment and it just makes our health worse and unnecessary traffic. (p.113)


“Cars, bikes and busses sitting for hours to travel less than 1 mile is not a benefit to the local area. This is NOT improving London or the local area and if it remains in place we will be looking to move, if we can even sell our flat with the roads as they are”. (p.127)


“This LTN has had a negative impact…This seems poorly thought through. Something needs to be done to address the congestion on LCR.” (p.128)


“Aside from personally my concern is for community. This has not solved a problem just moved it and increased impact. I feel like we're now living in the Lorax. I don't want to feel forced out of a neighborhood I loved. The amount of cars, pollution and safety challenge is genuinely depressing.” (p.130)


“How is this helping air quality? The traffic is so much worse around Streatham now. This is a massive failure”. (p.135)


“There seems to have been no consideration for the knock on affects to surrounding areas. This is not only impacting the high road, there is gridlock traffic on Woodfield Avenue, Garrads Road, Aldrington Road, Eardley  Road, Greyhound Lane, London Road…I am completely against the LTNs, even as a previous resident of Valley road, all this chaos is not worth one quiet street.” (p.136)


“The LTN has impacted our everyday life so much for the worse and especially the life of our kids who need to rely on public transport to move around. And what for? There was never a problem with the traffic before and people already mainly walk or cycle to the schools around here. And why wasting money on such a bad and ill thought plan when the money should be spent elsewhere, like regenerating the whole area around the station, the Russell’s footpath and steps, which is dark and scary and used by the kids to walk to the station? To be honest we are so fed up with all these new restrictions and badly run administration that we are thinking about moving out and I know many other people feel the same”. (p.137)


“I'm very pro measures which encourage people to use public transport and reduce pollution, but unfortunately tradespeople still need their vans and the LTN is clearly failing at encouraging people to use public transport or reduce pollution.” (p.141)


“Traffic is noticeably pushed into neighbouring boroughs (Balham way and Norbury way) which does not seem to be a fair outcome” (p.144).


“I believe and have seen a vast amount of evidence showing that the LTN has not and will not reduce the amount of pollution in the Streatham area. If anything it has had the opposite effect.” (p,145)


“As such the impact of the LTN has been given insufficient thought and is not at all working for the good of our community in Streatham. Quite the opposite.” (p.147)


“I don’t understand how pushing all the cars on to main roads makes any sense.” (p.153)


“I understand there are some neighbours that live within the LTN boundaries that might be benefiting from the quieter streets and the cleaner air, but this situation is very detrimental for so many others. What makes it ok? I am all for quieter/safer streets and cleaner air FOR ALL (not for the few) but I am worried that once again the vulnerable are being forgotten. Our lives are already hard enough.” (p.156)



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Concerns about implementation, monitoring and evaluation

“I would like to see the data of the impact these closures have had on elderly people who need help to survive day to day compared with the benefits of this scheme. I feel that these LTNs are just a step too far and can’t understand how someone in power has not stopped this débâcle happening.” (p.6)


“It is false data to say that there has not been an increase to vehicles on boundary roads - my road alone is now forced to exit via CR whereas previously we would have taken more direct routes - the volume from my road alone will increase the vehicles”. (p.32)


“Lambeth council has measured pollution levels at midnight so as to avoid having to admit how high the pollution is for those busier streets”. (p.36)


“The consultation clearly was not in favour and Lambeth should have taken this on board. I understand some roads like they have done on Sunnyhill road, but this current scheme has cut off so much of the area”. (p.49)


“The public consultation on the LTN was a joke. Most of our neighbours had no idea it was being implemented and the online meeting in early September had about 50 people online, including councillors. A majority of people on the call were against the LTN but were told it was not a referendum and that it didn’t matter if a majority of residents were against it as Lambeth had to reduce the number of journeys taken by car by 2030. It is my view that councillors, MPs etc., are elected to enact the wishes of their constituents and not just do what they think is in their best interests when they themselves don’t have to suffer the consequences. I normally have little to no interest in local politics but this is having such a detrimental effect on the local area that we simply have no choice but to act”. (p.77)


“LTNs feel very much like a money making exercise. More traffic is being diverted towards s the high road with longer tailbacks and more emissions. It’s crazy that local residents are subjected to smaller roads now becoming ‘rat runs’ to traffic avoiding fines. I myself have been caught with confusing signage which meant I had to pay for two days of fines. This is really difficult when you’re trying to survive with a young child in this cost of living crisis.” (p.104)


“I worry the council will not listen until someone is hurt or worse, due to their enforcement which nobody asked for”. (p.127)


“I would like to see some pollution monitoring results for outside Dunraven School, and I would also like to see what the criteria are for deeming the Streatham Wells LTN a success or a failure. How much poison pouring into our lungs on Leigham Court Road is considered acceptable?” (p.138)


“We were not consulted about the LTN, it's absolutely diabolical to say the least.” (p.142)


“I won’t be able to wait for the results of any trial period - my work and customers will evaporate long before then.” (p.143)


“The road that I live in was always a quiet road with little traffic as many residential roads are in Lambeth. Now we are all forced to drive extra milage on congested 'boundary ' roads to travel anywhere for any purpose, using more fuel and creating increased emissons, This makes no sense especially as no, or very selective, monitoring of air quality was not carried out before implementing LTN's”. (p.153)


Strong opposition

“I strongly oppose the low traffic neighbourhood and planned restrictions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how things have been for the past 10 years that I have been living here and all I see is another way to extort money from people who are already struggling. I am absolutely outraged that this is being implemented when the estates and houses themselves are forgotten about and not being maintained properly by the Council. Furthermore, the maintenance is so bad that Royal Mail have not delivered mail to certain parts since 2015 as they refuse to go up and down broken steps and knackered gates and fences for their own safety.” (p.3)


““The traffic this has caused is horrendous. Not a good thing at all. Think it’s a big mistake introducing this LTN.” (p.4)


“I don’t have any connection to the LTN’s or Lambeth other than being a resident and being strongly opposed to them”. (p18)


“Closing every single thoroughfare is just ridiculous!!!... Maybe reduce traffic on1 or 2 roads not all other routes to most local destinations in the area. This needs to be reviewed and overturned...SOON!!!” (p.43)


“I am writing to express my strong opposition to the newly introduced Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) in our community (Streatham Wells).” (p.52)


“The new LTN is an utter disaster.  I've lived in the area for 20 years and never seen the boundary roads gridlocked as they are currently.  It took me almost an hour to travel about a mile this morning. The current infraction on my right to move within my neighbourhood is criminal and Lambeth should be ashamed!” (p.44)


“This is a complete shambles we will rebel we will not keep quiet” (p.48)


“I’m not in favour of this LTN which only push traffic on to the surrounding roads impacting others parts of the community outside the LTN”. (p.54)


“I am so very angry and depressed by this stupid scheme, which seems to have had so little thought put into it. The whole thing is a complete nightmare.” (p.62)


“I am not in favour of the LTN, which is just causing more pollution on Norwood high street and Streatham high road”. (p.63)


“LTN is only bringing trouble and traffic chaos to Streatham. Get rid of it now!! People need cars and need free access to take children to school, to get taxis, to receive food.” (p.70)


“I would like to complain about the new LTN in Streatham Hill. It has added additional extra time (up to 1h more) to our local journeys, even by Bus. Also the traffic lights are not changed creating big traffic jumps in Streatham High road and Leigham Court road area. I highly recommend that the LTN is reversed, as I don’t see the improvement in pollution and just moves the pollution to another areas more populated. Also the idle traffic due to standstill traffic means more pollution. I am totally against these changes”.


“Please reverse this LTN which is causing havoc on our streets and now stressing me out as a parent. Thank you.” (p.123)


“The congestion in Streatham is ridiculous and has become a huge economical concern with the amount of congestion and how it is impacting people’s health and well-being in the area. People are angry, including myself as to how somebody thought this was a good idea? This plan requires heavy reconsideration as it is affecting the whole borough negatively!” (p.124)

“This really needs to be reconsidered as it simply isn't working for us!” (p.131)


“I disagree with the LTNs.” (p.150)


Testimonials - Impact on access to public services and amenities

Health and social care

“I have missed two hospital appointments because the bus was in a traffic jam caused by the LTN. To say my GP was upset with me would be an understatement as I to explain why I had missed two hospital appointments and I told him that it was down to LTN's.” (p.10)


“I had to go all around Streatham to get to King's hospital today making me 45 mins late for my appointment when I usually go via Streatham Common down to Tulse Hill.” (p.43)


“…Traffic congestion on Leigham Court Road is such that buses, school buses, emergency services etc are unable to progress”. (p.52)


“Emergency services are also getting stuck in the traffic cause no one can move out the way for them.” (p.57)


“I sat in stationary traffic on Streatham High Road this evening and watched not one but two ambulances with their flashing lights on not be able to move”. (p.105)


“The midwifery team in Streatham have no access to some roads to attend homebirths/emergency visits, a lot of our time is spent in traffic when we could be providing clinical care. Staff are getting home much later in the evening and it has a detrimental impact on our emotional wellbeing”. (P.126)


“It feels quite sickening seeing all the dangerous driving along the high road, waiting for an accident to happen and watching stationary ambulances with blue lights and sirens being unable to move through the grid lock.” (p.136)


“My mother who is a stroke patient has been late to appointments with the GP which is just down the road from us but she can't walk there so we must drive where it would usually take us up to 10 minutes we are now sitting in traffic for 40 minutes.” (p.142)


“The Streatham Wells LTN is not appropriate for the area or the volume of traffic which uses the affected roads. My chief concern is that the build-up of traffic has resulted is preventing emergency services getting through and giving rise to dangerously high levels of pollution with the roads reduced to lines of stationary cars - for both reasons this is endangering lives” (p.147).


“I am Lambeth resident in Streatham vale and the traffic goes up to Mitcham Eastfields. Yesterday morning at 10am it took me 30 minutes from SW16 to Streatham High Practice for my blood tests which before took me to get there 10 minutes at that time if I did go through Valley Road and Sunnyhill.” (p.148)


“My parents trying to get to Gracefield Gardens (Health Centre) is an issue”. (p.149)


“I have witnessed emergency vehicles stuck on the high road.” ((p.153)


“Among other issues, for me and the entire population of Lambeth is the frequent blocking of access for all Emergency vehicles” (p.154)


Education and enrichment

“I am a mum of two primary school aged boys. I work full time and my partner runs a business. We have ambitions for our children and that involves taking them to a variety of extracurricular activities daily. We do not live within a walking distance of the primary school and have to drive as the school is simply too far for a six year old to cycle to. The after school activities are not within the walking distance either and the places we go to are simply too far to cycle for such young kids. Stopping any of the activities would be detrimental to my children's education and depriving them of the opportunity afforded to children in areas with better facilities. Walking to school would take us approximately 45 minutes each way. Walking to after school activities would probably take 2,5 hours each way. This would not be realistic even if I was a full time mum. This leads me to think that Lambeth council wish to take the opportunity away from my children and make them uncompetitive in the decisive years where they have to demonstrate their abilities to reach higher education”. (p.19)


“So far my son has been late for school because of buses held up on SCN. I have had to give up a fitness class I need for my health as can't get there and back to pick up my sons from a sports activity.” (p.51)


“This has been awful. The traffic has increased threefold. My children’s school by the high road would normally take 17-20 minutes to reach. It’s now gone up by 30-40 minutes! We live by Streatham Common and have a child in school near Streatham Hill. School journeys have been significantly disrupted by the LTNs. Child takes the school bus and it has been delayed by nearly an hour on some occasions and traffic has been standstill on the days we have collected her. The kids have missed swimming lessons as they haven’t been able to get back in time to leave for swimming due to the increased traffic being pushed out onto SHR/LCR.” (p.74)


“My son can’t make after school activities in time as we can’t get there in time.” (p.80)


“My youngest is in school in Clapham. When we moved to Streatham we could not get him into a local school (oversubscribed) so we kept him in Clapham. Our journey would take 15 -20 mins on average. Since the LTN it has taken 50 mins at peak times. Yesterday he was late for school and I was late for my stint of reading with the children - a volunteer position I do because our schools are so woefully inadequate. I could take the 249 but it would take me significantly longer and I work FT within my children's school hours… My children will have to give up some of their clubs - it won't be feasible to get them to where they need to be in time. I thought Lambeth were actively encouraging children to be active...  backfire.” (p.94)


“My children have been late for school”. (p.105)


“Both my children travel to school on buses, my daughter at the top end of Streatham - we live near the common. The school minibus was already scheduled arguably way earlier than it needed to because of Streatham traffic and now due to the Valley Rd LTN it has been late almost every morning… She comes home on public bus and this has become so bad since the LTN, it took an hour one night last week (for what should be a 20min journey).” (p.112)


“Took my daughter 2 hours to get to school today. She's gets the 255 bus from Pollard's Hill to Balham for school. The bus was gridlock for an hour on Streatham High road then the bus terminated. She then needed to walk a further 40 minutes to school as buses behind were in gridlock. She was late to school. This is unfair. 2 hours is a ridiculous amount of time from Mitcham to Streatham Hill”. (p.116)


“2nd day of lateness to school. It took my daughter over 2 hours to travel to school by bus yesterday. She travels from Mitcham to Balham which normally takes her 40 minutes. The 255 from Pollard's Hill had to terminate at Streatham Hill as it was behind schedule due to the gridlock traffic. She then had to walk 40 minutes to school as no buses were available and were stuck in gridlock traffic behind. She was very late to school and misses 40 minutes of her 1st lesson. This is unacceptable. Traffic is appalling on Streatham High Road and now it's 10 times worse. It's not fair on school children trying to get to school. It equally took her a long time to get home, getting home late in the dark. Unnecessary time from Balham to Mitcham. That is not a 2 hour journey!” (p.123)


“My daughter now having to leave 30 mins earlier each day for school (West Norwood to Graveney in Furzedown) losing an hour a day of valuable study time”. (p.125)


“This LTN has had a negative impact. We previously attended children's activities in Tooting but will be stopping those as the journey time is too great. This may include a club I help run, unless I can figure out an alternative approach.” (p.128)


“Hello, we live just off Leigham Court Rd, towards Streatham Common. My daughter goes to school in Clapham and after the introduction of LTN her journey takes her at least 30 minutes longer, so what should be a 30/40 minute journey takes her longer than one hour.” (p.137)


“…Now even taking my kid swimming to a nearby leisure centres (one of the very few activities he enjoys) is impossible.” (p.156)


Home trades and services

“Royal Mail have not delivered for 2 days to my flat now and I’m getting emails saying I need to collect my mail” (p.22)


“As a Gas Engineer (Plumbing & Heating) I work around SW/SE London… we have also, reluctantly, withdrawn our services regardless if they are planned or emergency based from these areas”. (p.23)


“As another example, my mum is having her home extended so she can accommodate family members moving in with her once she becomes very infirm.  This building work is due to last 6 months and the build is likely to be impacted by builder access to do the work and not looking forward to this additional cost.” (P.31)


“We have building work at the moment, trades were late this week because of the traffic and all have commented on how it is affecting their businesses.” (p.51)


“I don't run a car but the LTN impacts everyone not least as services/emergency services delivered to the home are severely disrupted and/or run the risk of being so.” (p.91)


“We have had taxis refuse to travel to us. Tradespeople who have said they are upping their prices because they can't fit as many jobs in a day so need to pass on the cost. None of us can afford that in a cost of living crisis.” (p.94)


“A delivery which was booked for Wednesday last week was finally delivered on Saturday after Royal Mail cancelled deliveries to my area on Friday due to the LTNs.” (p.105)


“… my older son who works as an electrician, he has to drive a world van and his journey to work, to customers in Lambeth and back home severely impacted.” (p.118)


“My washing machine has broken and my usual repair person (who has come before) has said he won't come to Streatham anymore because of the traffic. I'm very pro-measures which encourage people to use public transport and reduce pollution, but unfortunately tradespeople still need their vans”. (p.141)


Shops and leisure

“As an asthma sufferer, I will no longer use the high street by foot due to the extra pollution caused by the constant queue of traffic. I will get in my polluting car and drive away from the madness that is Streatham to do my shopping elsewhere”. (p.6)


“Having LTNs is causing a lot of traffic in other areas which is increasing my journey time and will cause me to not want to shop in my local area.” (p.26)


“It takes me a lot longer to get to Sainsburys at Streatham Common and also to do any other local journeys using Leigham Court Road or Streatham High Road. I am already adversely affected by the Streatham Hill LTN as I can’t drive to local shops. Now my choices are even more limited.” (p.34)


“As a result of the Streatham Wells LTN, we will find alternative centres for shopping and entertainment. Streatham will become a ghost town and all the businesses will suffer. Such a waste as it was increasing in vibrancy and diversity.” (p.74)


“The LTN is inconvenient for me as it limits ways that I can drive out of my neighbourhood. If I want to go to the nearest petrol station on Leigham Court Road, my journey time and distance has doubled. Presumably my petrol usage has doubled as well when I go to fill up. For me there's no upside and plenty of downside.” (p.76)


“I cannot do my weekly shop on a bike or by walking. A family of 5 and a dog require more than 2 shopping bags. Online shopping is unreliable and I choose to shop in person, to ensure I get what I want, get the best deals and get food that is not going out of date. I use my car. Often to Sainsburys or Lidl on Leigham Vale. I won't use them anymore. It's easier to shop in Clapham/Balham en route to my school pick up or drop off - in fact, I'll use all the shops there (Boots, WHSmith etc etc) rather than go to SHR and walk around in a sea of pollution. Sad for Streatham.” (p.94)


“I go to gym in Streatham I cannot face to go on my days off because of the journey.” (p.97)


“It is now comparatively easier for me to drive to and park the car in Balham, Tooting or Clapham to use local shops and restaurants, where previously my girlfriend and I would shop and dine out in Streatham. Undoubtedly others will feel similarly, meaning the LTN will likely be negatively impactful on small local businesses.” (p.100)



“I will no longer shop on Streatham High Road because the traffic is impossible and now shop in Tooting as its much more accessible”. (p.121)


“We're generally spending much more time idling on the road whenever we have to use the car, including doing our weekly shop at Sainsbury's Streatham Common.” (p.125)


“Getting to our two closest supermarkets has become harder and we will need to start visiting those further afield instead.” (p.128)


“I take my mum shopping regularly. We normally stop at the newsagents in Sunnyhill Road to pick up her newspaper. If they've run out, we used to drive to Leigham Vale to the newsagents there. We don't do that now due to the traffic. A trip there last week took us an hour, compared with 10 minutes before the LTN was activated.” (p.135)


“We used to shop and go to the cinema and restaurants in Streatham before, but not anymore so certainly it is not good for business”. (p.137)


“The attractiveness of Streatham High Road as a place to eat or shop continues to deteriorate and my expectation is that the remaining cafes, restaurants and shops will see customer numbers falling further as a result of SHR now being more or less permanently grid locked.” (p.144)