About Lambeth LTN Watch

Lambeth LTN Watch is a fast-growing, broad-based group of local residents and businesses campaigning to reverse the roll-out of draconian, dangerous and discriminatory road closures across the South London borough of Lambeth.


The group has brought together pedestrians, cyclists, the disabled, motorists, bus-users, delivery drivers, commuters, business owners, faith congregations, schools and tradespeople whose daily movements around the borough have been impeded by a ‘perfect storm’ of TfL roadworks and Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) traffic restrictions.


Lambeth LTN Watch is a non-political, non-partisan group that campaigns on one issue only and is funded purely by personal donations.


It is a peaceful, neighbourly, grassroots organisation that speaks for local residents and all road users who love their neighbourhoods and want to reclaim the vibrancy of their communities.


Specifically, the group supports the requirement for less traffic, lower pollution, better public transport and safer streets for cyclists and pedestrians, especially for the elderly and disabled. The passionate and broad-based opposition to the TfL Streetspace scheme and government-backed LTN changes are because they have had precisely the opposite effect and are putting people in danger.


Bus journeys are taking longer. Pollution has soared from gridlocked traffic. Cyclists are finding it harder to commute on the busy roads. Children are late to school and parents late to jobs. The elderly and disabled cannot park or be dropped off outside shops. Emergency vehicles are stuck in stationary traffic. Quiet streets seem more dangerous for pedestrians, especially women at night. Businesses cannot receive deliveries or make as many deliveries. Cars are often speeding in the quieter streets of the LTNs.


Group members are extremely anxious that the impact of the restrictions will be the cause of a serious injury or fatality – from a knocked-over pedestrian or cyclist, a child having a fatal asthma attack , an emergency vehicle being delayed on its way to or from hospital or to a fire or other emergency.


Lambeth LTN Watch aims to get residents and the local economy moving again by convincing TfL and Lambeth Council to reverse their ill-thought-out traffic schemes.


Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure transparency, accountability and genuine community representation in Lambeth's transportation decisions. We aim to shed light on the implications of the LTN policy, prompting Lambeth Council and its decision-makers to re-evaluate and prioritise the genuine needs and concerns of its residents. Together, we champion a more inclusive, well-informed, and community-driven approach to urban planning.